Murder at the Beauty Pageant Answer

By Patricia Bradley

Here moonI am as I promised. I had a lot of fun with this case. To recap, a woman was found murdered not a hundred feet from where a beauty pageant was being held. These were your choices:

1. The husband killed her for insurance money.

2. She’d been having an affair and she and her paramour had a fight and he killed her.

3. She was mugged and fought back and the mugger accidently killed her.

4. She was killed by the same person who had murdered a woman only a month earlier, possibly a serial killer.

5. It hasn’t been solved, and police are still looking for the murderer.

For those who may have missed the post, you can read it here. I can now tell you it was taken from The Memphis Flyer if you want to read the whole story. It is very interesting, and has sparked an idea for my first cold case book that is due in October. I can’t wait to get started on it.

And the answer is………#5. This crime hasn’t been solved. If you do take time to read the whole story, hop back over here and tell me what you think.

I hope you enjoyed the little murder case and come back!


About P. T. Bradley

Writer of Inspirational romantic suspense

2 thoughts on “Murder at the Beauty Pageant Answer

  1. dtopliff says:

    I did enjoy and want to hear (or read) more about it 🙂

  2. Thanks, Dee. We’ll discuss it next week, I’m sure. 🙂

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