How To Show Your Character’s Change – Tips From The M&M Super Bowl Ad


Photo by pedro2004

In every novel a character must undergo some sort of transformation. This transformation can’t be easy and should not show a complete change until the end of the novel. At My Book Therapy we call this the character journey.

Easier said than done. Let’s see what this year’s M&M Super Bowl Commercial can show us.

Each hero/heroine has some area of their life that they refuse to change. It can be the thing that keeps them from realizing their heart’s desire, but still they won’t do it.

How to Show Your Character’s Change:

1. In Act One Show Something They Need To Change. This is something that strikes to the very core of their past. This is what they have learned from their past that isn’t easily changed. They may struggle with trust, fear, abandonment, etc. (More at My Book Therapy)

2. In Act One Show Them Having An Opportunity To Change. Someone in the world around your character or some event in your character’s first few scenes gives them an opportunity to let go of the struggle from their past or lie they believe. Instead of embracing this change, they refuse it. (More at My Book Therapy)

3. Show Other Sides Of The Character That Create A Sense Of Other Qualities. As in the M&M Ad above, by showing what the character will do for love we begin to see so many great romantic possibilities. Then comes the line in the sand. Your character will have a line in the sand, too.

4. Show Gradual Growth In Your Character. Your character will have baby steps towards success until something slams them in the face and they just can’t accept the price they have to pay to change.

5. Final Victory And Change. As your character has slowly grown throughout the story, even through set backs, they come to the final moment where they accept the challenge to bring about final change in their life.

What is your favorite character transformation in a book or movie?