Goodbye, 2015! Heartwarming Thursday

by Jill Kemerer

Another year is almost over. How did that happen?

Was it a long year for you? A short one? Tough? Exciting? A little bit of both?


I had one of those whirlwind years. It was an up and down year, if you know what I mean. My publishing dreams started coming true–my debut novel released in April, the second book in September, and I signed contracts for three more. I was blessed with wonderful newspaper articles, author events–even a television interview!

On the personal front,  I struggled at times with feelings of helplessness in regards to my father’s Alzheimer’s disease, his life in a nursing home and how it affects my mother. I also worried way too much about my teenage kids! Having a senior in high school brought a slew of new things I wasn’t ready for–like college visits and the realization my kids are growing up.

I gained weight. Lost weight. Gained some of it back. And I’m still trying to be consistent. 🙂

The one thing I never worried about–I knew I could count on it every second of every day in 2015–was something I don’t deserve but embrace nonetheless. God’s limitless grace.

He truly gave me peace whenever I slipped into anxiety. I started prayer journaling. I tried scripture mapping. I read more books on Christian living. And through it all I prayed.

God’s grace doesn’t depend on me doing anything. But because I crave more God, more love, more peace, I spend time each day studying, praying and praising Him. My plan for next year includes a whole lot of that!!

So looking ahead to 2016, I know there will be ups and downs, and I also know that no matter what, God will be there with me every step of the way, just as He will be with you.

Happy New Year’s! May God bless you!!


About JillKemerer

Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. Over half a million of her books have sold worldwide. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband. They have two adult children. For more information, visit her website,

4 thoughts on “Goodbye, 2015! Heartwarming Thursday

  1. kelly @kellyblackwell says:

    Quite a 2015! Thank you for sharing your story both the good and the difficult. Congratulations on the books too!

    • JillKemerer says:

      Thanks so much, Kelly! It was a monumental year. 🙂 I think most years have good and bad, don’t you? Have a wonderful 2016!!!

  2. M. Weidenbenner says:

    Wow, what a year, Jill. I’m sorry about your father. I can’t imagine how difficult that is for you and your mother. You sound so grounded, keeping God close. I want to know what scripture mapping is. I haven’t heard that term. Stay strong, and I hope you have an even more blessed 2016.

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